As 7 maravilhas do mundo
1. As Pirâmides do Egito
2. Os Jardins da Babilônia
3. O Templo de Artemis em Ephesus
4. A Estátua de Zeus em Olympia
5. O Mausoléu em Halicarnassus
6. O Colosso de Rodes
7. O Farol de Alexandria
As Sete Maravilhas do Mundo compreendem as grandes realizações da tecnologia e arquitetura do passado de acordo com os autores Gregos e Romanos.
Esta relação pouco mudou desde de seu surgimento no ano 130 a.C.
Bibliography: Berthold, Richard M., Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age (1984); Clayton, Peter, and Price, Martin, eds., The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (1988; repr. 1990); Cottrell, Leonard, Wonders of Antiquity (1959); Dinsmoor, W. B., The Architecture of Ancient Greece, rev. ed. (1950; repr. 1975); Fraser, Peter Marshall, Ptolemaic Alexandria, 3 vols. (1972; repr. 1984); Gruben, Gottfried, and Berve, Helmut, Greek Temples, Theatres, and Shrines (1963); Hodges, Peter, How the Pyramids Were Built (1989); MacKendrick, Paul, The Greek Stones Speak, 2d ed. (1983); Muller, Artur, The Seven Wonders of the World: Five Thousand Years of Culture and History in the Ancient World, trans. by David Ash (1966); Oates, Joan, Babylon (1986)
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