17 de ago. de 2006

54 Livros 06

Romances Espíritas

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Obras psicografadas por Álvaro Basile Portughesi
Espíritos autores: José Grosso e Euzébio.
Editora: Edições Clareon - Fone/fax:(0xx11) 3601-2296
Anjos de Bordel
This book is going to catch you!
It belongs to the series of great novels by Euzébio

Carlos, after being warned by his friend, went to find his fiancée inside a brothel. At the first moment he felt like killing her, but he just left the place, instead.

Returning to São Paulo he speeded his way on Anhanguera Road. When he approached km. 25, on the so called "The Death Curve ", he tried uselessly to control the car, which hurtled down the hill.

Doutor Carlos stayed inside the wrecked automobile, screaming for help, for three days, until, finally, the policemen showed up."

These are the first lines of "The Brothel Angels", a story that will drive the reader to thrilling moves of adventure, mistery and suspense.

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